Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post 3

Unreliable Narrator & 
Indirect Characterization

Unreliable Narrator 1: 

"Mr. Avery said it was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobey their parents , smoke cigarettes and make war on each other, the seasons change:..."

This example supports the theme but, this wasn't actually on the Rosetta Stone. 

This example supports the theme because, Mr. Avery just wanted them to grow up without disobeying their parents. 

This example supports the theme so he just wants them to be safe and honest when they grow up.

Unreliable Narrator 2:  

"The worlds ending Atticus! Please do something." 

This example supports the theme but, but scout knew it was just snow outside. 

This example supports the theme because, she didn't mean it literally when she said that. 

This example supports the theme so Scout actually knew what was going on outside. 

Indirect Characterization 1: 

"Atticus said he would wear me out if he ever heard of me fighting any more"

This example supports the theme but, Scout really wants to fight Cecile Jacobs.

This example supports the theme because, she needs to grow up and use her head not her fists. 

This example supports the theme so Scout shouldn't fight and should keep her head up. 

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