Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post 4

Unreliable Narrator &
Indirect Characterization

Unreliable Narrator 1: 

"Being bound in chains and left to die in the basement by his father, who disliked him, and secretly kept alive on raw field peas by a passing farmer who heard his cries for help,"

This example supports the theme but, Dill later admits it was a lie. 

This example supports the theme because, He lies to stay in their house. 

This example supports the theme so he lost his innocence, lied and ran away from their home.

Unreliable Narrator 2:

"There was a man that had a boat that he rowed across to a foggy island where all these babies were; you could order one..."

This example supports the theme but, it is clearly a story told to him as entertainment by his mother.

This example supports the theme because, he lies to scout about the man with the boat and the babies.

This example supports the theme so there isn't really a man with an island full of babies because that's now how babies are born. 

Indirect Characterization 1: 

"I realized that this was not a tactical question. Uncle Jimmy, present or uncle jimmy absent made not much of a difference, he never said anything. Aunt Alexandria ignored my question"

This example supports the theme but, shows that Uncle Jimmy barely contributed to the converstation"

This example supports the theme because, Scout doest want to be pushed to grow up and wants her Aunt to go back home with scouts uncle. 

This example supports the theme so Scouts aunt is pushing her to be a lady and to give up trying to be a guy. 

Blog Post 3

Unreliable Narrator & 
Indirect Characterization

Unreliable Narrator 1: 

"Mr. Avery said it was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobey their parents , smoke cigarettes and make war on each other, the seasons change:..."

This example supports the theme but, this wasn't actually on the Rosetta Stone. 

This example supports the theme because, Mr. Avery just wanted them to grow up without disobeying their parents. 

This example supports the theme so he just wants them to be safe and honest when they grow up.

Unreliable Narrator 2:  

"The worlds ending Atticus! Please do something." 

This example supports the theme but, but scout knew it was just snow outside. 

This example supports the theme because, she didn't mean it literally when she said that. 

This example supports the theme so Scout actually knew what was going on outside. 

Indirect Characterization 1: 

"Atticus said he would wear me out if he ever heard of me fighting any more"

This example supports the theme but, Scout really wants to fight Cecile Jacobs.

This example supports the theme because, she needs to grow up and use her head not her fists. 

This example supports the theme so Scout shouldn't fight and should keep her head up. 

Blog Post 2

Unreliable Narrator &
Indirect Characterization

Unreliable Narrator 1

"Neighborhood opinion was anonymous that Mrs. Dubose was the meanest old woman in the neighborhood." 

This example supports the theme but, Scout might be misjudging Mrs. Dubose. 

This example supports the theme because, Scout thinks she knows everything. 

This example supports the theme so Scout shouldn't assume Mrs. Dupose is a mean person. 

Unreliable Narrator 2: 

"I had heard another sound, so low i could not have heard it from the side-walk. Someone inside the house was laughing"

This example supports the theme but, Scout could be imagining the person laughing. 

This example supports the theme because, Scout tries to be more mature and find out where the laughing is coming from. 

This example supports the theme so she will lose her innocence when she goes to find out who was laughing. 

Indirect Characterization 1: 

"The silver saucer clattered when he replaced the pitcher, and he quickly put his hands in his lap. Then he ducked his head"

This example supports the theme but, it shows he lives a very religious life. 

This example supports the theme because, it shows that he knows what to do even when he is away from his family. 

This example supports the theme so Scout and Jeb will most likely try to change him. 

Indirect Characterization 2:

"Miss Caroline said desperately. "I was just walking by when it crawled out of his hair... just crawled out of his hair"

This example supports the theme but, it shows that Burris unsanitary and poor. 

This example supports the theme because, Ms. Caroline wants Burris to be more clean and Sanitary.

This example supports the theme so Ms. Caroline wants Burris to be more like the rest of society. 

Blog Post 1

Unreliable Narrator &
Indirect Characterization

Unreliable Narrator 1: 

"...he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were blood stained"

This example supports the theme but, scout might unreliable information.

This example supports the theme because, Scout thinks she is mature but she doesn't know the whole truth so she gives unreliable information. 

This example supports the theme so Scout could be making the story up. 

Unreliable Narrator 2:

"Walter Cunningham's face told everybody in the first grade he had hookworms"

This example supports the theme but, we know the information is unreliable.

This example supports the theme because, it shows that Scout thinks she know everything. 

This example supports the theme so Scout is becoming more mature, however she still isn't reliable. 

Indirect Characterization 1: 

"What is it, Jean Louise?", "Miss Caroline, he's a Cunningham"

This example supports the theme but, it shows that Walter Cunningham is different from the rest. 

This example supports the theme because, it shows that Scout is becoming mature for speaking in front of the class.

This example supports the theme so Scout is telling the teacher all about the Cunningham family. 

Indirect Characterization 2: 

"... Jeb was careful to explain that during school hours I was not to bother him, I was not to approach him with request to enact a chapter of Tarzan and the Ant Men, to embarrass him with references to his private life, or tag along behind him at recess at noon." 

This example supports the theme but, it shows that Jeb doesn't want to talk with his sister at all at school.

This example supports the theme because, it shows that Jeb thinks he is too big and mature to be with his sister at school. 

This example supports the theme so Jeb wants to be away from his family at school.